2008, Random Chance Records (RCD35)
It makes a lot of sense, to read parallely to this review Howard Glazer‘s monthly column in <Wasser Prawda>. Howard talks about Emanuel Young and his many years of working with him.
It is the eternal mystery of the blues that men as Emanuel Young don’t have great publicity worldwide.
Emanuel is a man in his seventies who plays fhe blues in his hometown Detroit. He is a guitar player and singer since his early years. Emanuel is looking back on many years of cooperation with well-known names such as John Lee Hooker, Martha Reeves, Albert King, Jimmy Reed, and others.
In recent years he frequently occurs with Howard Glazer and his El 34s.
One of these gigs was recorded in 2008 in The Halligan Bar in Detroit and published on CD as <Live in Detroit>.
Emanuel Young plays classic blues, economical and accentuated. His voice is rough, his singing empathetic. Since there is no overdubbing, the CD is one of the rare documents of original blues recorded in the 21st century. No matter what song Emanuel plays, it sounds authentic. He is discreetly and sensitively accompanied and supported by Howard Glazer‘s guitar playing.
It is not surprising that the CD contains songs like <The Outskirts of Town>, <Give me back my Wigs>, <I‘m in the Mood> or the eternal <Back Door man>. Emanuel has developed for each of the 11 pieces his own kind of interpretation – he plays Emanuel Young not John Lee Hooker or Albert King.
In Detroit Emanuel Young is an icon and legend of the blues. I very much hope that we can see him in the foreseeable future on our stages. Musicians: Emanuel Young (vocals, guitar); Bob Godwin, Steve Glazer (bass guitar); Billy Renya (drums); Howard Glazer (guitar).
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